Tricolor in combination with rosette

Rosette can be bred in any color, it is a recessive gene that causes the hairs to grow in a different direction so you get rosettes on the body, I sometimes call them punk mice as they have a mohawk when you have a good rosette mouse.

My first rosette mice I bought from a German breeder in the beginning of 2013. They were chocolates and I starten breeding them in my red and sable lines. These rosettes are not related to my tricolor rosettes, I got my first rosette tricolors in 2014 and started my own lines from these, The other line unfortunately disappeared as I didn't gave this line enough attention. The tricolor rosettes are a young line and I am still strugling to get this line stable as they are not very fertile and when the females get pregnant they often have problems delivering or taking care of the litter.