
A funny looking marking with 2 round markings covering the ears and the eyes that shouldn't be touching each other and a little trouser. The trouser should be about to half of it's tail and half to it's feet and up to half of it's body, but the perfect pants is not much seen with this marking. Most dutch mice are also not the biggest mice and often don't have the best type, the reason for this is the very hard marking, it's very hard to have at least pretty good markings and trying to improve the type would give the marking a big setback, so if nobody has this in good type, why risk it?

Dutch can be bred in nearly any color as the marking is selectively bred from the broken/spotting gene ss. So you can breed them in black, blue, red, agouti, champagne, dove, siamese etc etc. Though most breeders prever the darker colors like chocolate and black because the marking will come trough earlier then when you breed them in lighter colors and can make an early selection.